Welcome to my 'material world'

When I'm involved in a graphic communication project,
my first goal is to finalize a long-lasting graphic product
in order to make your brand memorable.
Likewise objects in our everyday life, also 'graphic objects'
talk to us through shapes, colors, materials, without using words.
Along with cardboard architecture, graphic-design and print technologies,
the materials chosen play a leading role and represent
parcel and part in the whole creative and production process.
Thanks to materials and their finishing, we can "talk" about: ethics, warmth, tradition, craftmanship, lightness, trustability, innovation and so on,
emphasizing the espressive strength of the graphic product.

I materiali sono un tacito invito a toccare, esplorare, scoprire
ed attivano la nostra parte emotiva facendo leva sui nostri i canali sensoriali.
I materiali non si accontentano di vivere nella bidimensionalità della nostra vista. Sono multidimensionali: vogliono che sentiamo il loro rumore,
annusiamo il loro profumo, tocchiamo la loro superficie, apprezziamo i loro colori.
"Sono" perchè sento ma
"sento" perchè tocco.